The Digital Network - Support page
To contact support please email us on
a href="" target="_blank">
Or if you have a premium package please call the Support line: 01324 812121
(Normal UK Landline NOT premium rate!!!).

Web Hosting and Server clients
We have a new TROUBLE TICKET EXPRESS system, which is now active in your control panel.
However, if you need an answer or have a problem now, remember you have access to our comprehensive Data Base within the ControlBoX, covering every aspect of your web hosting account with us.
If you are having trouble accessing your email or the ContolBoX Control Panel please check the
server status page
This is an off-site page (in case this site is ever down), please add it to your favourites.
Telephone Support
For Telephone Support, please refer to your particular Web Hosting Package, as no Telephone support is available on any accounts except for business hosting (where telephone support is included), this is why we can keep our costs so low.
Should you still require telephone support, please email us with 'Telephone Support' in the subject line and your contact details we will then CALL YOU BACK AND TALK YOU THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT ISSUE (Not non-geographic or premium rate numbers), for a flat rate fee of £10.00 (plus VAT at prevailing rates) for each support issue (This must be paid by Credit or Debit Card before we begin).
If you feel you may need more telephone support, please consider a more suitable Hosting Package, as staff support time is our largest cost and if we can control this cost, then we can pass the savings on to you, so that everyone benefits from lower prices in the long run.
'Remember, we have our NO-PRICE INCREASES guarantee to help you keep your costs DOWN too.'
Support line: 01324 812121
(Normal UK Landline Number, no premium rate numbers used anywhere on this site)